Two weeks went by so fast! I made it through after second week being a vegetarian for 100 days.

I this video I share with you my successes and challenges. Enjoy watching it. I had fun making the video.

The first time I was a vegetarian for 14 days, I couldn’t wait until it’s all over. This time around, the first two weeks had been great. My body is happy.

Last week, I was feeling hungry so often. It was annoying. This week was better. I was feeling less hungry and didn’t have to eat so often. Nonetheless, I was still hungry. All in all, I think my body is adapting to change.


My challenges for the upcoming week will be the Chinese and/or Vietnamese New Year celebration. Having food all over the house is going to be tough! Mom has been preparing some traditional dishes. The entire house is smelling food! And there will be more food in the next three days!

If you are celebrating the  Chinese and/or Vietnamese New Year, have a fantastic time with your families and friends with the weekend! Wishing you and loved ones a prosperous, healthy, peace of mind, love, and joyous fire monkey, New Year!

Will I give in? Or will I overcome the “food in my face” challenge? 

Find out next week when I’ll share the updates with you.

What is your weakest challenge that you want to overcome? What is stopping you?

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