How do you define love?

Love is a spirit all compact of fire.” – William Shakespeare

Each of us defines love differently. At times, we seem to be lost and words cannot describe it. I believe that you realize there are more to love than the eyes can see.

The meaning of love from yesterday might not apply to today or tomorrow. It was completely different when we were in our childhood comparing to in adulthood.

It’s how you feel what love is at the moment.

In this short video features one of best songs of all time. You will enjoy the beautiful, breath taking pictures along with the thought provoking verbiage that will have you think differently after you watch it. Here are my viewpoints (some) on the meaning of love:

For some of you who prefer to read instead of watching the video, here is the written version.

Love is ageless.

Copy of Love this moment

Love is when you can’t help wanting to help annoy you.


Love is bonding and trusting.
Love is to collect happy moments.
Love is console those who are broken by life.

Love is in the arms of a loving father.
Love is in the arms of a loving mother.

Dad1 Copy of Mom
Love is a family and has no color.
Learn to love more….

Love is to give love and respect to yourself everyday.

Love and respect1
Learn to let go, forgive so you make space for happiness.
Love life.
Love your surroundings…

Love is caring and protecting.

Love is caring1

Love your healthy imperfect body.
Love is an art.
Overcome challenges so you can enjoy more of life.
Love is sharing, kindness and compassion.

Love is loving this moment in time.

Love this moment1 (1)

What is the meaning of love to you?

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