Why practice good ethics outperform in the long term while you’re reaping the joy of living life now?

Let’s say you paid for one item, but you receive one extra by mistake. To keep or not to keep is not so much of the question.

We see good ethical values so often in the headlines comparing to making money. It is one of the least favorite and boring subjects for the majority of the people.

But yet having higher and good ethical values are some keys to living a more peaceful, successful, fulfilling and healthier life.

“How is that so?,” you might ask.

Recently I ordered an On-Stage MY-420 Studio Microphone Shock Mount which cost $34.95 to use for my Podcast, but I got two of them instead of one.

At first, I thought, maybe I clicked twice by mistake when I placed the order online. After checking the invoice and the charged to my credit card, I paid for one only.

At some point in our life, this kind of incident will happen.

If you were me, would you keep the extra one, sell it, or give it as a gift?

After all, it’s the seller’s mistake. They didn’t know that they shipped two of them. It would be stupid if I return it, right?

If the seller is an affiliate who earns her living by reselling items to make profits, there goes her profit and some more. It isn’t my lost. Who cares, right?

I see things in these ways. The $35 (rounding up) could be someone’s income for a whole month in an undeveloped country. Here in the states, it doesn’t mean much to a rich person. However, it is worth a lot to someone who works in the fields picking fruits all day long for a living.

Dishonesty is one of the poor ethical values. An example of it could be as small as when I received the double items to the larger cases, i.e. the Enron scandal.

My parents embedded in us, regardless of how poor or broke we are, don’t keep something we are not the proud owners of it. You see, every time I use it, I would remember how I got it.

I think you feel the same way too. If you got it in a dishonest way, you’ll keep remembering it in your head. Something thing like that isn’t worthy to remember. The unethical values also pick up by their children without you knowing.

There are better and happier things you can create and worthy of storing them in your memory bank. I clear it from my memory.

Some people might say that ethics doesn’t pay the bills, feed your hungry stomach or make you rich.

Well, so are many other dishonest situations that some people do which don’t serve any purpose. And perhaps even worse, they end up in the wrong side of the law as the result.

We hear those kinds of stories in the news every day.

You see, it is not all about the face value of the money or how much the item is worth. It is about your ethics as a human being. What you hold for your ethical values represent who you are. It says a lot about who you are at face values that only you know them well deep within you.

Having good ethical values is the daily practice and habit would pay off in the long term which yields a higher chance of success, happier living, a clean and clear mind, free of bad karma, and a lot more. As a result, you could enjoy life with less stress, lower medical bills, no bill bonds, etc.

Start a deposit and practicing good ethics with your children at an earlier age. Engrave in them like my parent did for us. Good ethics are evergreen values you can gift to them as assets. It’s outweighed, outperform any poor ethical values.

They can use them whenever they want. It is a lifetime investment with high returns so that they could enjoy a better life. Plus, it could prevent them from making unethical decisions that could land them in trouble.

So what did I do to the extra one? It is the only logical and ethical reason to do. I did what you or anyone would do. Without hesitation, I filed a return to the seller.

Shifting from internment to fulfillment is simple. Living with higher ethical standards are some ways to enjoying your happier self, peace of mind, success in personal life and business and so much more. Make other people jealous of you by practicing good ethical values daily.

Do an inventory of your ethics and rank them from 1 to 5. One is the lowest and 5 is the highest value. The higher your ethical score, the better it is.

Now, where do you think you stand?

Shift from External to Internal Fulfilling Life.

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